Purr-sistence is key! A photo session with my cat in the quest to capture a great photo

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pounce was lying on the couch, all stretched out, which she likes to do. And she was looking oh-so-cute with the sunlight highlighting her face. So, of course, I immediately grabbed my cellphone and started shooting pictures of her hoping that capture that adorable face and maybe some of her overall quirky personality as well as some of the mood of pure contentment she was showing. I clicked the shutter button and…

blurry cat photo

…darn. She moved. Plus, I really wanted to move that sketchbook that was next to her feet. But, I was afraid if I did, she’d get distracted and the mood would be ruined. So, I clicked again, and…

blurry shot of cat on couch

Ugh. Almost what I was looking for but a little blurry. But, I decided to keep trying. And…

cat on couch

Well, thanks for posing Pounce, but you have to stay in frame!

cat lounging in sun

And, if you could fix your ear, please…

cat yawning

Yes, I know this is getting repetitive, and is very hard work…

cat about to fall asleep

…but don’t fall asleep Pounce!

Ugh, Pounce. It’s not time for grooming!

cat washing foot

But, finally, after some more trying, we got some really awesome pics, including…

cat lying in sun
Or I can do more of a lounging in the sun look.

I’m going to expect a lot of treats after this.

…these precious shots!


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