Researchers say cat DNA could link criminals to their crimes

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cat with detective cap and magnifying glass cartoon
Just one cat hair could provide helpful information, according to researchers.

Yes, it’s annoying when it’s on your clothes. But, cat hair could help with catching criminals, according to researchers from the University of Leicester.

While a human perpetrator may take pains not to leave their own DNA behind, transferred cat hair contains its own DNA that could provide a link between a suspect and a crime-scene, or a victim.

In a paper published in the journal Forensic Science International: Genetics earlier this month, researchers at the University of Leicester describe a sensitive method that can extract maximum DNA information from just one cat hair.

Study co-lead, Professor of Genetics, Mark Jobling, said, “In criminal cases where there is no human DNA available to test, pet hair is a valuable source of linking evidence, and our method makes it much more powerful. The same approach could also be applied to other species — in particular, dogs.”

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  1. That is super interesting and very cool too. Cats know so much and now there’s a way they might be able to share!

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